What advice would you give to high school graduates?

It’s that time of year where schools across Saskatchewan say goodbye to a promising and bright group of grade 12 students as they head off into the next phase of their lives. Some will head off to colleges and universities in various cities, others will enter the work force, and some will take on a more active role on the family farm. Whatever they choose it’ll be met with mixed emotions from parents and kids. It’s an exciting time and a little sad as parents, despite what they might say, will certainly miss having their baby around the house. For the kids themselves it’ll be an emotional time as they head out, make new friends, learn new things, and, essentially, live life to the fullest.

I can remember when I graduated back in June of 2004. It was exciting but a little sad to say goodbye to the same group of friends you met at age five in kindergarten. However, once I moved out on my own I discovered a new personal freedom that felt wonderful and I quickly learned there are some pretty incredible people out there. People who will help shape and define you as a person. I also learned that there are some not so nice people out there who will teach you how NOT to be in life.

What advice would I give to today’s graduates? There are three core things I’ve learned about life that will always steer you in the right direction. Be real, be honest, and be nice. If you align yourself with those three things, you’ll go far in all aspects of your life. Be real, be honest, and be nice. Nobody likes a fake, lying jerk who thrives on drama and the failures of others.

The best is yet to come and I know you’ll be a great success as you move forward. Who knows, maybe one of this year’s graduates will be a future Prime Minister, Premier, or a great community/social leader that will inspire a whole new generation just entering kindergarten. Congratulations to all our high school graduates this year and welcome to the next phase of your life.



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