Anyone else think a deck is therapeutic?

Sunday turned out to be an excellent day after three damp and cool (but much needed) days in Saskatchewan. As I was sitting on my deck last night grumbling about how stiff and sore I was after softball, I started thinking about Monday’s show and what I was going to talk about.

It occurred to me that the deck is a place of therapy. It’s deck therapy 101. One can’t help but feel relaxed when you’re surrounded by trees, singing birds, and the smell of the neighbours BBQ that they forgot to invite you over for….again! It’s just as good in the morning with the sun shining above and a cup of coffee beside you while the birds chirp away and you sitting there hoping they won’t poop on you!

My deck is a little sad looking at the moment. It needs a little paint here and there and probably some new boards wouldn’t hurt it either. It’s got one patio chair on it, a pair of muddy shoes, and a broken down old BBQ that I plan to fix, and then not invite my neighbours over ;). Regardless of how it looks, it’s still provides a good therapeutic service that is affordable on a radio announcer’s salary! It’s not a big deck…but it does the trick.

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