Kippered Fish: YAY or NAY

Last night I had to do a grocery run and pick up a few critical items before Country Thunder kicks off. I ended up forgetting most of the stuff I needed and bought a bunch of stuff that wasn’t bad, but I didn’t need it! One of those delicious items happened to be canned kippered herring fillets! Have you ever tried them? They are wonderful despite what you may hear from others.

At $1.47 per can at the store, all you’re required to do is pull back that metal can lid, drain out all that fish juice, and mash that fish onto toast with a little bit of pepper. It is bachelor food at its finest and it seems to taste the best on a rainy day for some odd reason. Most give me an odd look when I say kippered fish is good until they actually try it….then they never seem to speak to me again. Truthfully it’s very tasty!

So, before you head out to Craven this weekend for four days of music and memory making, take a few cans of kippered fish out. Open them up, drain the juice, and go to town. And if you leave them on the picnic table by your camper, chances are it’ll repel unwanted visitors and vampires. Happy eatin’!


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