FSIN requests Country Thunder organizers to ban Williams and Ree from future events

Williams and Ree are under the spotlight after material they used this past weekend at Country Thunder Music Festival in Craven.

The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations is requesting the festival’s organizers to banish the comedians from any future events following complaints of racist material used at this year’s event.

The complaint was made when the American entertainers said on stage “I’m sweating more than an Indian on rent day”.

In a news release issued by the federation, FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron mentioned how it’s a disgrace that the entertainers continue to use “the same racist act” after similar material was heard when they performed at the Humboldt Broncos benefit concert.

“None of our children are born into this world having hate towards other people because of skin colour,” stated Chief Cameron. “Racism is learned behaviour and these disrespectful comedians contribute to that negative attitude.”

The FSIN chief called on the festival’s organizers to stop the perpetuation of racist attitudes and stereotypes at their events and to explore other entertainment options moving forward.

No comments have yet been provided by Country Thunder representatives regarding the request made by FSIN.

At shows in the past, Williams and Ree have had the nickname “The Indian and the White Guy”.

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