Andrew Scheer shares what a Conservative government will do if elected during Saskatoon visit

October 21st is less than a 100 days away, that’s when Canadians will take to the polls for the federal election.

With that date slowly inching closer and closer, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer made an appearance in Saskatoon Wednesday afternoon and shared with the local business community what some of his election platform will look like.

The Tory Leader said his platform will be centered around making life more affordable for Canadians. Scheer said 80 per cent of Canadians are paying higher taxes today compared to 2015 when Justin Trudeau was first elected into power.

If voted in on October 21st, Scheer says his party will scrap the Liberal carbon tax along with removing GST from home heating and home energy bills.

“I haven’t met anybody yet who thinks that they’re going to be better off under a Liberal carbon tax with some kind of a rebate scheme that doesn’t take into account all those secondary costs. So it’s much simpler to leave the set of taxing on one hand, shuffling around in Ottawa and trying to give some of it back in the other. We’re just going to leave that money in the pockets of Canadians.”

The Tory party leader also said he would be willing to explore changes to the current equalization formula which currently sees Quebec receiving the vast majority of equalization payments, while other provinces including Saskatchewan don’t receive anything.

The federal Conservative Party is also re-editing a fundraising video that attacked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his handling of two Canadians detained in China.

The video will be edited after the family of one of the detained Canadians complained to the Conservative Party about the video. The names and faces of the two men detained will now be removed.

The video shows photos of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor along with a voice over saying the Prime Minister has failed to negotiate the release of the two men detained in China. Scheer was asked about the video while in Saskatoon.

“It was a message were we highlighted Justin Trudeau’s failure to stand up for Canadians abroad. They were images that were put on news outlets and as soon as we heard from one of the family members that they’d prefer not to have it used, we’ve addressed that and so we’ve respected those wishes.”

It appears the video was sent an in email to Conservative supporters last week.

Scheer is currently on a brief stop in Saskatchewan which included a luncheon with members of the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce. The Tory leader will travel to smaller communities in the province Thursday before heading to Edmonton.


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