Regina Trades and Skills Centre students repairs sidewalks near Carmichael Outreach

Students from the Regina Trades and Skills Centre were at Carmichael Outreach on Wednesday gathering experience from removing concrete and forming sidewalks.

The program offers students a chance to learn the trades from a hands-on experience at a construction site, which also benefits non-profit organizations in the area.

Executive director Brian Shankowsky said it’s a successful program that sees 95% of their students gain employment upon completion.

“The goal is for them to be working in the area so they can continue to be successful and continue to be productive parts of society, and work on getting better at what they do.”

Not only does it give students a chance to work in a real life setting, but it also helps out non-profit organizations in the community. Shankowsky explains how they benefit.

“When it comes to projects at Regina Trades and Skills Centre, we look for other not-for-profit organizations that can use some help,” Shankowsky said. “Carmichael Outreach is one we decided to partner with on this particular project.”

Regan Kay is one of the students at RTSC said this experience will help him reach his ultimate goal.

“I just want to find a career that I can pursue in the long run because I want to be a journeyman and start my apprenticeship, so through them I’m going to be doing that.”

Kay and his colleagues are able to do the labour at no cost for the non-profit organizations thanks to their materials being partially funded through donations from the RBC Launch Grant.

Students also completed work earlier this month at Camp Monahan at Katepwa Lake, which included demolition and putting siding on cabins.

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