Let the sunshine in!

Yesterday afternoon we had what seemed like a rare treat. We had sunshine! After several days of cool, wet weather which led to cabin fever for some, we were warmed up with beautiful sunshine even though it was only for about 10 or 15 minutes. It was a glorious few minutes in the day but unlikely to cause any sunburns or heatstroke.

There was an instant attitude change as well. Perhaps you noticed this too? All those grumbling about the rain and cold were instantly put into a better mood and the spirits of many were drastically improved. This might be one those “where were you when” moments. Where were you when the sunshine came out in September 2019? Well, glad you asked! I was at home about to sit down for an early supper. I’ll never forget it because as I sat down the sunshine instantly hit my face. It brought a friendly, warm smile to it….then I got up and promptly closed my blinds! Like many of you, I was starting to complain about the rain and lack of sunshine but once it finally arrived, I decided to close the blinds. Hey, it’s hard to eat ichiban noodles and hot dogs on bread with the sun in your eyes!

According to the Environment Canada weekend forecast, we’re in for a much deserved sunny and warm weekend. Lets hope the sunshine sticks around especially for our farmers who need to successfully wrap up harvest 2019. Let that sun shine and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



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