Former Rider Rob Bagg retires

Former Saskatchewan Roughrider Rob Bagg has officially announced his retirement.

Bagg posted on his twitter account thanking Rider Nation for his time with the organization, also thanking his family and former teammates.

Bagg said he feels as though he’ll be remembers as a player who came in unknown and worked hard during his time.

“I had a blast playing the game, not knowing what I was really getting into when I went out in ’07 to training camp in Saskatchewan, not knowing the province, not understanding how important football was there,” Bagg said. “10 years later, 11 seasons later, to have been given the opportunity to experience everything that is Rider Nation, it just truly was an amazing experience and an incredible blessing.”

Over his 11 seasons with the Riders, Bagg tallied 364 catches for 4,705 yards and 24 touchdowns. He was a member of the 2013 Grey Cup team and was a west division all-star in 2014.

Bagg said he will miss the game of football as a whole.

“I can’t express how much I love the game of football; I love the contact, I love the competition, I love the violence and the beauty of it,” Bagg said. “At the end of the day, it’s really the guys you go to battle with… they’re family members, they’re my brothers and I’d do anything for them.”

Bagg said he thanks Rider Nation for his time in the CFL.

“Thank you for making my experience so incredible, thank you for supporting me through thick and thin,” Bagg said. “It’s a childhood dream to be a professional athlete and to look up in the crowd and see somebody, whether it’s a kid or a grown-up, wearing your jersey and I was very fortunate to be able to live that dream.”

Bagg is now moving into a career in real estate in his hometown of Kingston, Ontario.

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