Labour unrest at Regina’s Co-Op Refinery

An impasse has been declared by the union representing 800 workers at the Co-Op Refinery.

Unifor says the decision comes after nine months of bargaining with a statement from them saying members are key to safety at the refinery so it is reasoable that a company making over a billion dollars in profit put a deal on the table that properly addresses their needs.

In that statement, Local 594 President Kevin Bittman says they have tried hard to negotiate a fair deal that respects workers while addressing worker safety and job security concerns, but Federated Co-Op is looking for concessions that will drastically reduce their pensions thus harming their families over time.

Federated Co-Op says they are disappointed that negotiations have come to this and that they remain committed to striking a new deal.

With the impasse being declared, Labour Minister Don Morgan must appoint a mediator.

The workers have not had a deal since February 1 of this year.

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