Well, the signs that Halloween is just about upon us are everywhere. It’s still 30 days away, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t getting prepared already. After all, it is October now.
The boxes of mini chocolate bars and other candies have already been out for weeks. Usually I go through a box of those darn things a week before Halloween even arrives. This year I’ve actually showed some restraint by not buying any…yet. It won’t be long now before the pumpkins will be out. Hey, they might be set up in some stores already.
I’ve already noticed a couple of houses fully decked out with Halloween decorations. There’s one on my way to work that has more decorations for Halloween than most houses have up for Christmas. The people who live there obviously take their Halloween very seriously.
Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, but you’ll never see a house decorated for that. Can you even buy an inflatable pilgrim or an inflatable turkey out there anywhere? If so, I’ve never seen them. How about setting up a miniature Mayflower on your front lawn? All aboard!
Why not combine Halloween and Thanksgiving and get them both out of the way in one day? We could call it Hallogiving. Anyone up for a turkey stuffed with chocolate bars and candy?