Should have raked the leaves

Well, it looks like winter has actually arrived in southern Saskatchewan. 2019 has proven itself to be a strange year weather-wise starting off with drought like conditions in the spring, then lots of spotty rain over the summer, a short autumn, then rain and snow, and now just snow making harvest 2019 dreadful.

Normally this time of year is when many of us, including myself, have to rake up the leaves in the yard. Last year I started much to soon and it seemed like I was raking almost everyday. This year I thought I’d be smarter and wait just a little bit longer until most of the leaves were actually gone from the trees. Make sense right? Well, I waited too long.

On Saturday the wind gave me high hopes for two possible outcomes. Either the leaves would blow off the trees and I could rake them all up at once OR they’d blow into the other guy’s yard and no long become my responsibility. I was kind of hoping for the latter option. Neither happened. Instead, the leaves blew off my lawn and then swirled up onto the drive way near the house and stayed there. I now have this GIANT pile of snow covered leaves to stomp through on my way to the vehicle. Lovely. Just lovely.

I didn’t expect I’d have to use a snow shovel to haul banks of leaves out of the way before actual snow banks. Then again, it totally fits into this crazy 2019 year!


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