(Jamie) When Did They Put Those Up?

When I pulled up to the station this morning I noticed the Christmas wreaths adorning the light standards in downtown Regina. I usually see the crews putting them up on my way to work in the morning, but I didn’t notice anyone doing that this year. They just appeared out of nowhere. Maybe the winter elves have been hard at work!

It won’t be long now before it’s time for the tree and all the decorations to go up in the Lewis household. Last week one of our granddaughters was sick so she came over and spent some time with papa. At one point she asked when we were going to put up the Christmas tree and could she help set it up again this year. I usually do that job alone while my wife is at work, but I must admit, it was a lot more fun with the girls helping out last year.

Our tree usually goes up on the first of December, but that can vary. I’ve had it up as early as the last week in November. I had friends growing up in Lethbridge whose parents didn’t put up the tree until Christmas eve! That’s a little late for this cowboy. Before we have a chance to ring in the new year that tree is back in it’s box and stored away for another 11 months.

With hardly any snow on the ground it’s hard to believe that the tree will be up in less than two weeks. If my granddaughter has her way, it’ll be a lot sooner than that.

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