SGEU is calling on the provincial government to make use of the established distribution system operated by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority if they would like to make specialty liquor products more accessible.
The government announced changes to the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act on Wednesday, to allow third-party companies to distribute specialty liquor products from warehouses.
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“If the government wants retailers and consumers to have better access to products, then the most efficient path forward is to have SLGA’s distribution centre stock more products,” said Sharon Friess, chair of SGEU’s SLGA Bargaining Committee in a release. “Saskatchewan taxpayers have already invested in a state-of-the-art distribution facility. The physical space and the expert staff needed to offer better access to niche products are already in place.”
“On behalf of employees at SLGA, SGEU is happy to meet with SLGA Minister Gene Makowsky anytime to work through any concerns he may have about expanding its stock of products,” added Friess.
SGEU is also pleased that the government said there will be no job losses at SLGA due to the plan to allow private warehouses to operate in Saskatchewan.
“We’re glad to see the government recognizes the great value that SLGA employees provide, and we will be holding them to the promise that this decision will not cost any of our members their jobs,” said Friess.
Over the coming days, SGEU will be closely reviewing the government’s proposed amendments to The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act.
“There are still many questions to be answered about what the government is proposing,” said Friess. “We suspect that consumers will end up paying more as a result of this move towards greater privatization.