Moe & Meili deliver Xmas messages

Premier Scott Moe and provincial NDP leader Ryan Meili are both giving us their Christmas messages today.

Moe says there is so much to be thankful for in Saskatchewan and that this is a time to celebrate, enjoy the company of family and friends and that this is a time of giving and to say thanks

Moe’s message also talks about some of the inspiring people he has met since becoming Premier like 11 year old Cassidy Evans of Saskatoon.

Evans has cystic fibrosis. She started a lemonade stand to raise money for researching the disease in 2013 when she was 5. Today, that lemonade stand is still going strong and travels across the province with $100,000 dollars raised. Moe says it is hard not to be humbled with what Cassidy and her family have done and is the Saskatchewan he has come to know, serve and defend.

Meili talks about a night when he was coming home as a child from a hockey practice in a howling blizzard where visibility was zero and how neighbours from a nearby farm came looking for them because they didn’t want his group to freeze.

Meili says when it comes to things like this, Saskatchewan people just do it with no questions asked because it is part of who we are especially at this time of year.

Meili also salutes those working hard at this time of year like firefighters, healthcare workers and those in retail.

He says at Christmas, we remember that every person matters and everyone is worthy of our kindness and our help.

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