Opposition questions Saskatchewan premier’s travel bill, $4,000 charter flight |

Saskatchewan’s NDP is calling for more disclosure of the premier’s travel in light of a jump in expenses and a $4,000 charter flight.

Public records show Scott Moe’s 2018-19 travel costs were about $84,000 compared with $45,000 Brad Wall spent during his last full year as premier in 2016-17, the NDP said.

“It’s a pretty significant increase when we’re looking at a province that’s telling everyone else that they should tighten their belts,” said David Forbes, NDP ethics and democracy critic.

“We’ve seen a billion-dollar increase in PST in the last few years. Everybody else is paying more. And if that’s paying more so ministers and the premier can travel more, they want to know why and they want to know what it’s for.”

Forbes said an explanation is also needed for why Moe took a $4,000 charter flight from his constituency of Shellbrook to Regina two months ago.

An expense claim and invoice released to under freedom-of-information legislation details that the Saskatchewan Party premier drove from Shellbrook to Prince Albert on Nov. 11, then took the chartered flight to Regina.

He then boarded a commercial flight to Ottawa, where he met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Moe’s press secretary said the premier had a personal commitment the day before his Ottawa trip, but almost always makes the four-hour drive from Shellbrook to Regina.

Jim Billington said due to scheduling conflicts, charter flights sometimes need to be booked.

Moe’s two-day trip to Ottawa, where he was accompanied by four staff, cost about $13,000 in flights, hotels, transportation and per diems, the expense claims indicate.

He met with Trudeau after the federal election with a list of requests that included pausing the federal carbon tax and reworking equalization. Moe left that meeting empty handed, calling it a disappointment.

Moe’s office said he has taken four charter flights this fiscal year, costing about $12,000.

Most recently, he flew on a charter from Regina to Saskatoon to attend an event at the University of Saskatchewan and to unveil his government’s growth plan there the next day.

The other charter flights took him from Prince Albert to Regina to attend a petroleum conference and from Saskatoon to Regina, where he attended meetings.

Billington also said Moe’s travel expenses came in higher than Wall’s because of work to increase the province’s global presence through international trade missions.

Forbes said people need to know if they’re getting value for their tax dollars.

“We also want to make sure that there’s transparency and accountability,” he said.

Charter flights are also expensive, he added.

“When it’s an emergency, you must do it. But when it’s not, you really have to think about what are the taxpayers of Saskatchewan going to think about this.”

(Canadian Press)

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