Best place to get pancakes in southern Saskatchewan?

Today is one of the best days for a three specific reasons. Mardi Gras kicks off today in New Orleans, only ten months from Christmas (had to sneak that in there), and it’s Shrove Tuesday which means we can eat pancakes today! Any day where we can eat pancakes is a great day in my opinion.
The standard way of eating pancakes is with a spread of butter/margarine on them and then coated in maple syrup, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. However, if you really want to live life on the edge and try something delicious, try spreading a nice thick layer of Cheese Whiz on top of your pancakes and then drown it under a sea of syrup. The sweetness of the syrup tastes so good with the sharpness of the Cheese Whiz to create a delightful dining experience. Try it, you’ll like it!
Friends recently encouraged me to substitute the Cheese Whiz for peanut butter with syrup on pancakes. It, too, was good, but not the same as good old fashioned Cheese Whiz. Not only does it taste great on pancakes, but I’d encourage you to try Cheese Whiz and syrup on French toast too.
After reading this today, I expect two things from listeners. Either emails praising this delicious combination or a whole bunch of hate mail! Regardless, enjoy your pancakes on this fantastic Shrove Tuesday.

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