NDP attacks SaskParty government over coronavirus preparedness


The NDP accuses the SaskParty government of being ill-prepared for the coronavirus and the downturn in the world economy.

Opposition leader Ryan Meili says the SaskParty squandered money and failed to plan ahead.

Premier Scott Moe says the SaskParty government has shifted its reliance away from resource revenue in recent years and gives the province the resilience to face a global economic challenge.

He adds the province has also invested heavily in schools, hospitals and highways to advance the economy.

The NDP also says the SaskParty budget is out of date before it has gone to the printers.

Opposition critic Trent Wotherspoon says this week’s huge downturn in the price of oil and the global economic downturn has not been factored in next week’s budget.

Finance minister Donna Harpauer says the NDP is taking a kneejerk reaction.

She says the last economic downturn prompted the SaskParty government to reduce reliance on resource revenue and stabilize the budget.

She says the province is better prepared to weather these economic difficulties than a decade ago.

The budget comes down next Wednesday, March 18th.


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