Premier Moe says no need for legislative recall despite NDP claims to do so

The NDP says they have questions after a decision by cabinet to authorize $4.5-billion in public spending through a special warrant.

As a result, Finance Critic Trent Wotherspoon is saying it is time for Premier Scott Moe to recall the legislature and start answering questions on just where that money is going and if it indeed is all going to the costs surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a massive amount of money, but the government’s special warrant provides no clarity at all when it comes to how this money is to be spent,”Wotherspoon said in a news release. “How much of this is for new COVID-19 spending? Where is it going? People deserve answers to these questions, and those answers should be provided in the Legislative Assembly.”

While Wotherspoon wants MLA’s to return to work, Moe says now is not the time as all resources are being devoted to COVID-19.

“That’s not to say that there won’t be a discussion on whether we should at some point resume legislative sittings in some way shape or form or committee meetings in some way shape or form in the months ahead.” Moe said during the government’s daily briefing on Monday when asked about a possible recall.

Moe added no other province is sitting right now, but he did acknowledge a couple of provinces have had an emergency recall for one reason or another to deal with issues surrounding COVID19.


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