More resources needed to support small businesses struggling to pay rent: CFIB

Small businesses across the province are struggling to find ways to pay rent for the month of May with no revenue coming in due to COVID-19.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is pushing for more support from governments to help business owners keep their heads above water during the pandemic.

Despite the federal government stepping up with the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program, some small business owners in Saskatchewan are asking for more help according to a survey from the CFIB.

The survey shows that 31 per cent of Saskatchewan business owners don’t qualify for CECRA because they don’t meet the 70 per cent revenue loss criteria. 21 per cent shared they do qualify, but they are unsure if their landlord will participate.

Marilyn Braun-Pollon, CFIB vice-president of Western Canada and agri-business, said the program in theory is good, but in practice it’s quickly turning into “a complete mess.”

“Tenants are powerless if their landlords don’t apply. Landlords are worried there aren’t enough details to know whether they apply,” suggested Braun-Pollon.

“Unless there is a miracle on Main Street between now and [May 1], it looks like the program isn’t going to help nearly enough businesses.”

Braun-Pollon said it’s concerning that only one in ten commercial tenants who need help qualify for the program.

The survey also found that five per cent qualify and think their landlord will participate, while two per cent qualify but know their landlord won’t participate.

“There’s lots of concerns around this program and it’s extremely complicated. It’s hard to digest and understand,” she added.

While she’s wanting more from the federal government, she is pleased the provincial government introduced the Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Payment. However she recommends the grant should be extended.

“Even in Saskatchewan that some businesses will be allowed to reopen in the coming weeks, but many of those businesses are desperately needing help to cover those fixed costs.”

She also urges tenants and landlords to talk to each other and work out a reasonable, fair agreement that will help as many businesses survive the pandemic.

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