(Jamie) Well, That Didn’t Take As Long As I Thought It Would

Saturday night after supper my wife and I decided it was the perfect night for a few ice cold treats from DQ. I say a few because it’s not only my wife and I who get a treat every time we go to DQ, but Max gets one as well. Nothing fancy for him though, just a medium sundae with no toppings. Sorry buddy, only humans get ice cream with stuff all over it!

I guess a lot of other people had the same idea because when we pulled up to the drive-thru there were already more than 10 vehicles in line. It appeared my patience was going to get a bit of a test.

While we were waiting in line we noticed how busy things were. There was traffic everywhere. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t expect to see much traffic on the roads, but that certainly wasn’t the case Saturday night in that part of the city. People were driving, walking, jogging, cycling. It’s just like everyone said, “To hell with this. It’s a beautiful night and I’m getting out to enjoy it.”

By the time we had our treats in our hands we had spent a grand total of 15 minutes in line. To be honest, I was so preoccupied watching everything that was going on around us that I never even noticed the time we spent in line.

My wife was impressed with my patience and Max was very impressed with his treat!

That’s what you call a win-win situation!

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