More progress made by Saskatchewan’s VIDO-InterVac as work continues on a vaccine for COVID-19

VIDO-Intervac has made a major milestone towards creating a COVID-19 vaccine.
Researchers at the Saskatchewan based lab have found testing in infected ferrets has proven to be highly effective, with a potential vaccine being able to decrease viral infection in the upper respiratory tract to almost undetectable levels.
Acting Associate Director of Research, Dr. Scott Napper, says up until the point where protection from the disease is demonstrated, the vaccine is strictly theoretical, but now that there is evidence of protection from the disease, in the ferrets, it gives researchers a lot more confidence moving forward.
Napper explained the vaccine is based upon a particular protein of the virus combined with a adjuvant, created by Vido-InterVac, which is used to help stimulate the immune system against the virus.
Dr. Napper said the next steps this summer will include further safety toxicology studies and producing materials that are up to good manufacturing practice conditions, which will allow VIDO-InterVac to go into human clinical trials in the fall.
Napper added with a bit of luck they could have a vaccine that could be used for emergency purposes within a year.

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