Provincial grant program to focus on issues surrounding MMIWG

Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of the National Inquiry in Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)

The Final Report raised awareness about the tragedy that has affected generations of Indigenous people.

Justice Minister Don Morgan says the government supports and values the meaningful and important work of the National Inquiry.

“The Inquiry provided a crucial voice to MMIWG,” said Morgan. “We owe it to past, present, and future generations to work together to prevent violence and ensure safer communities.

In recognition of the anniversary, the Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis, and Northern Affairs, Lori Carr, announce that this year the $300,000 First Nations and Métis Community Projects grant program will go towards locally-developed projects related to issues raised by the National Inquiry.

Special consideration will be given to initiatives addressing vulnerabilities within society that lead to risks for inter-personal violence.

“This investment is to build upon the efforts of this Inquiry by funding Indigenous-led projects to help make this place we share, called Saskatchewan, a better place, one step at a time,” Carr said.

Organizations interested in applying for the funding should contact [email protected] or call 306-798-0183 about their potential projects and application information.

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