Fajardo Friday: Moving during a pandemic

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Friday was the first of a new weekly segment on the Sports Cage: Fajardo Friday.

Every Friday at 5:00pm Riders QB Cody Fajardo will join the show. And the talk could go anywhere–football, relationships, recipes and definitely about the man under the helmet.

Cody and his wife, Laura, have recently moved from the Washington, DC area. They had been living in DC while she went to school for physical therapy. Now that she’s done with a major part of her education, they had an opportunity to move closer to family.

“Now she’s going to the practical phase of her schooling,” says Fajardo. “So we recently are in escrow for a house here in Reno, Nevada where we both went to school.

“We drove across country in a pandemic! Which, honestly when you drive it, you kind of forgot how crazy things were” he says. “Until you had to stop for gas. You’d see people with masks and gloves and stuff or you’d see restaurants closed. But when we were on the open road it was just me, her and the dog and we were just having great conversations like everything was normal.”

While the constraints of the pandemic were minimized on the road, they came back in full force once they arrived in Nevada.

“I think the hardest thing was house shopping,” says Fajardo. “We had to sign affidavits about ‘we don’t have a fever or any COVID symptoms.’ It wasn’t like you could have an open house and have a bunch of people go and look.

“We had a set of specific times and you’re only allotted a certain time to look through the house. It’s such a huge purchase so you make sure you cover a lot of the bases before you put in an offer.”

“So it was tough for us.”

Tough, but ultimately they beat out five other bidders for the perfect house.

“Our biggest thing was a big backyard. We’ve got a goldendoodle and we’ve been living in a one-bedroom apartment in DC for two years now. So he deserves some land.”

Listen to the Sports Cage every Friday where Fajardo will tell stories, answer your questions, and give us an inside look at the Riders offense.

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