RPS Chief happy with public perception survey, but says more work needs to be done

The most recent community perception survey showed that just over 77 percent of people surveyed are satisfied with the level of service provided by the Regina Police Service.

Of the 455 Regina residents surveyed, 80 percent agree that the RPS is honest and has integrity, 78.3 percent agree that RPS officers show professionalism, 78.6 percent agreed that the RPS is sensitive to their culture, over 92 percent are confident calling 911.

Regina Police Chief Evan Bray says that while he is satisfied with the results of the survey, he knows the department can’t get complacent.

“I don’t think we can ever be completely complacent, or satisfied, we know that there’s always work to do,” said Bray. “I think what we’re seeing is consistently a feeling of confidence in the RPS, but a real decrease in the perception of safety in our city.”

Bray says that he strongly believes that with the renewed focus on police worldwide, survey results could change. He added that if the George Floyd murder would have happened two weeks before the survey, the results would be a lot different.

“The events that happen throughout the year, absolutely can affect that,” said Bray. “I think that’s all the more reason to be receptive to doing the survey in the first place. If you ask the question, you better be prepared to get the feedback, and then be prepared to be responsive to that feedback and look at what we can do.”

He says that one important take away from the survey is the fact that the public relationship with police isn’t just with officers. He adds that the minute a 911 operator takes the call, police contact has begun.

Chief Bray says he will look at all aspects of pubic relations and try to find an area that isn’t delivering acceptable service. He adds that most of it has to do with communication.

“A lot of it has to do with just communicating with our community and being open with our community, not just in good times, but in bad,” said Bray. “So that will continue, that’s partly we measure what the interaction with the community looks like through social media, and through traditional media, that’s an important part of it as well.

Bray says that he is proud that the RPS is starting to have a more accurate representation of the opinion of Regina’s Indigenous population, adding that he hopes it continues as their opinion is very important.

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