Date for Phase 4 Part 3 of Re-Open Saskatchewan plan to be unveiled Tuesday

A date for Phase 4 part 3 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan will be announced Tuesday afternoon at the Saskatchewan Legislature.

Part 3 would allow indoor sports to continue, while also allowing indoor rinks and pools, casinos and bingo halls to open.

Premier Scott Moe says the province has done well from a health perspective when compared to the rest of the country.

“We are about, I believe 76% of the Canadian average on the case, 95% below the Canadian average on fatalities when it comes to COVID-19,” Moe said. “We’re in a very strong situation, and that’s thanks to the people of this province adhering to the public health orders that are there, we’ve been in a very strong place from a health care perspective when it comes to COVID-19.”

Moe says businesses have taken precautions to prevent a second wave.

“We are seeing that happen in certain States in the U.S. now where they are starting to shut down bars and restaurants and such as the second wave is coming, I believe Florida, maybe Texas, are doing just that,” Moe said. “That is what we want to avoid here in Saskatchewan, and that’s why we have some very comprehensive guidelines for our industries and our sectors to follow in the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan.”

Moe says the province’s strategy is working with the ability to test people rapidly to quickly identify outbreaks.

“Anytime we’ve had an outbreak, by and large it’s been due to someone or a group of people that have gone offside, if you will, from the public health orders that are in place,” Moe said. “They’ve attended an event with maybe 60 or 70 people, or a large number of people, where they haven’t been adhering to the physical distancing guidelines and recommendations that are in place.”

On Monday, Phase 4 Part 2 began. This allowed libraries, museums and theatres to open, but several businesses say they will be closed until at least this weekend.

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