North Central Family Centre amazed at community’s support after weekend vandalism

An act of weekend vandalism is bringing the community together.

Last weekend, windows at the North Central Family Centre on 5th Avenue were broken and windows on centre vehicles were smashed putting a delay in operations.

That delay was minimal though as many stepped up to offer assistance once word of what had happened spread.

Centre spokesperson Cindy Kuster-Orban says it has been amazing to see.

“People in the community are just sick about what happened.” Kuster-Orban said Tuesday morning. “They have come to visit us and help in any way they can.  Something that was heartbreaking has turned into something very, very positive and special.”

Someone broke the windows at the North Central Family Centre during the June 27-28 weekend
Photo: CIndy Kuster-Orban

Kuster-Orban says the centre does a lot for the neighbourhood and the many seniors, children and families that are in North Central so there was a thought there could be an impact towards the level of help being offered, but she soon found out that wouldn’t be the case.

“A Go-Fund Me page was started to help with some costs with the money we were looking for quickly being raised thanks to the generosity of many.” Kuster-Orban said.  “SUDS Car Wash offered to replace the windows and detail the vans and many others just asked what could be done which was so refreshing to see.”

The centre provides many activities and programs to people in North Central Regina and is a huge help to many because of what they do.

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