Final Question Period before fall election sees accusations from NDP over spring snap election

During the final day of Question Period Friday, the Saskatchewan NDP questioned the Sask Party government on their priorities early on in the COVID-19 pandemic.

NDP leader Ryan Meili said school boards were reportedly saving space for Elections Saskatchewan for a spring vote instead of COVID-19 response.

“Will the Premier stand in this house and will he let us know, does he regret that he had the wrong priorities, that he spent the start of this year focusing on planning for an election which distracted from our response to planning for a pandemic.”

However, Premier Scott Moe says while the NDP accuse the Sask Party of organizing a snap election, his government is focusing on supporting the province’s recovery from COVID-19.

“We’ve got a Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan that will ensure that we are not spreading COVID-19 because of what people in this province are doing, and we can re-open the economy here in the province of Saskatchewan; that I would add never did slow down as much as any other province in this nation due to the careful guidance of Dr. Shahab and his office.”

Moe also called on Meili to publicly thank Dr. Saqib Shahab for his efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vermette calls for more suicide supports for the North

Northern Affairs critic Doyle Vermette is again calling for action on the suicide crisis in northern Saskatchewan.

This comes as two indigenous men are walking from Air Ronge to the Legislature in Regina to protest inaction on suicide prevention.

Vermette spoke of Tristen Durocher and Christopher Merasty’s journey comes after watching several young people in La Ronge suffer for too long.

“Tristen is tired of losing his friends and loved ones,” Vermette said. “We are tired of losing our friends and loved ones; enough is enough.

“When Tristen finishes his journey here to Regina, will this government finally act? Will this government finally bring in a meaningful suicide strategy to save lives?”

Rural and Remote Health minister Warren Kaeding responded, saying suicide knows no boundaries, and the government’s ‘Pillars for Life’ suicide prevention strategy aims to address it head-on.

Kaeding also offered to meet with Durocher at any point during their journey.

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