Saskatchewan Lung Association says those with asthma can still wear a mask

Having asthma shouldn’t mean you can’t wear a non-medical face mask.

That from Jamie Peters, a nurse with the Saskatchewan Lung Association.

She says it may feel uncomfortable at first, but if it fits correctly, there should be no problem with oxygen saturation.

There are no medical concerns for wearing masks, other than it might make someone feel more claustrophobic , but Peters says, that’s where wearing a mask more regularly will help you to feel more comfortable.

September is the month that annually sees a spike in asthma flare-ups and hospitalizations.

Peters calls it the September Spike, which shows up a few weeks after school starts.

She advises caregivers to make sure children with asthma are using their controller medication to get on top of the condition, so it will be easier to deal with any other illnesses that might come up.

Peters realizes there is a lot of stress around the possibility of COVID-19 transmission.

She urges parents to continue reminding children about how to properly wear a mask and about not touching and fiddling with them.

Peters suggests students could have 2 masks at school so if one gets wet or soiled, they have a second one ready to go.

There are a variety of mask shapes out there, and Peters says finding one that fits the best will make it easier for students to get used to them.


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