Meili uses MJ campaign stop to announce SaskFirst jobs policy

Saskatchewan’s NDP leader took his election campaign to Moose Jaw Wednesday afternoon.

Ryan Meili used the occasion to address project procurement saying businesses and workers from Saskatchewan would no longer be shut out from projects if he is elected as Premier October 26.

Meili used a power station being built in Moose Jaw is prime proof to the fact that Saskatchewan workers and companies are being ignored which is what happened with a similar project in Swift Current.

“Only 20 per cent of the money from that project went to Saskatchewan companies and only 44 per cent,  not even half of the workers on that job, were from Saskatchewan,” Meili said. “I was out there when it was being built. When you walked  through the parking lot, the license plates were from all over the place and very few from Saskatchewan.”

Meili says when roads, schools and hospitals are being built, they should be done so with Saskatchewan workers which is what he will do.

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