Applications for second round of COVID-19 contingency funding for schools due Tuesday

Tuesday is the last day schools in Saskatchewan can send in their funding applications to the Ministry of Education to receive financial support to keep students and staff safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The funding comes from the over $150 million in the COVID-19 contingency fund for education including provincial, federal and school savings. Money from the fund will be used for sanitation, furniture and equipment, remote learning (for immunocompromised and other students) and IT costs not associated to remote learning.

The government expects school divisions, qualified independent schools and historical high schools will be applying for funding.

“The second round of COVID contingency funding will ensure schools remain a safe place for students, staff and families,” stated Education Minister Dustin Duncan in a news release. “These applications are in addition to our $51 million allocated in the first round of applications.”

Applications will be adjudicated by the ministry based on a set of criteria. Applicants will be notified in early December.

There is $64 million remaining for the second round of applications in the COVID contingency fund for education.

The ministry has allocated $10 million for personal protective equipment expenses, of which $3.4 million has been spent to date.

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