Above zero temps expected well into December

Cold weather is coming, but it won’t be here for awhile.

Environment Canada is predicting highs to be well above zero in Regina this week, with the high on Sunday sitting at plus 5.

Meterologist Terri Lang says you can credit a big ridge which is currently building which will mean warm air circulating through the province.

“This ridge will build over Western Canada and what it will do is bring milder temperatures as you will notice the nice southwesterly winds. “Lang said. “What it does is it deflects all the weather systems well to the north so they will be going through the Northwest Territories instead of Saskatchewan.”

Lang adds in some places the warm weather could mean a lot of, if not all the snow on the ground could leave.

While the weather will be warmer than usual for the first few days of December, Lang is echoing predictions from “The Weather Network” on what the winter will hold for Saskatchewan.  She says you can expect a frigid winter with colder than usual temperatures in January and February so get out and enjoy the mild weather while you can.

The normal daytime high for Regina to start December is about -6 C.

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