Four deaths and 122 new cases of COVID-19 being reported on Tuesday

Those who have died as a result of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan has now hit a number of 376 after four more were announced Tuesday.

Three deaths were reported in the 80+ age group from the Regina and Saskatoon  zones and one death in the 70-79 age group from the Regina zone.

Daily COVID-19 map for February 23, 2021

The news comes as we hear about 122 new cases of the virus to go along with 244 recoveries putting the active case count at 1,530.  We are also learning that the UK variant of the virus has been detected in two residents in the Regina zone. These individuals were tested at the end of January. Based on the contact investigation to date, there is no link to travel at this time but public health’s investigation is on-going.

There has also been one case of the South African variant detected n one resident in the North Central zone. This individual was tested at the end of January. Public health’s investigation is on-going.

This brings the provincial total of confirmed variant of concern cases to seven: six B1.1.7 UK including one presumptive case, and one B1.351 SA.

The 122 new cases are located in the Far North West (11), Far North Central (5), Far North East (16), North West (10), North Central (4), North East (2), Saskatoon (25), Central East (7), Regina (37), and South East (1) zones and four (4) cases have pending residence information. Nine cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far North central (1), Far North East (4), Far North West (1) and North West (3) zones.

174 people are in hospital with 158 of those including 40 in Regina getting inpatient care. 16 are in intensive care including six in Regina.

1,872 tests were processed on Monday.

When it comes to vaccines, 549 were handed out on Monday meaning 62, 342 have received a shot.  A majority of the vaccines delivered on Monday were in Saskatoon and Regina.


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