207 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan

Three more people in Saskatchewan have died from complications related to COVID-19.  It brings the provincial total to 498.

Two of the three who died are aged 80 or over and come from the north-central and Saskatoon zones with the third person being someone in their 70’s from Regina.

There are 207 new cases to report on Monday. The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 11; North West, 11; North Central, 31; North East, 8; Saskatoon, 29; Central West, 1; Central East, 12; Regina, 64; South West, 5; South Central, 16; and South East, 4.  There are 136 new variants of concern.

174 people are in hospital with 39 of those in intensive care including 21 in Regina.

COVID-19 Update for May 3: 450,823 Vaccines Administered, 207 New Cases, 244 Recoveries, 174 in Hospital, Three New Deaths

Current 7-Day Average: 230 (18.8 per 100,000).

Full details: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2021/may/03/covid19-update-for-may-3-450823-vaccines-administered-207-new-cases-244-recoveries-three-new-deaths

COVID-19 Dashboard: https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/health-wellness

As of Tuesday, the age limit for vaccines is dropping to 37 and 18 in the Northern Saskatchean Administration district.   Prioritized front-line workers age 18= are also eligible.  Those workers must have proof of employment at time of immunization.  For those in Swift Current, that drive-thru is offering AstraZeneca thus it will only be open to those 40 and over.

Starting Wednesday, eligible truck drivers and essential energy workers can get a vaccine in Kenmare, North Dakota from noon until 8 until May 7.

An additional 41 pharmacies have also been added to the vaccination pilot program and will be able to take appointments for those eligible on the day the appointment is booked.

The list of pharmacies across the province now participating can be found here.

Status of Priority Population Vaccinations, as of May 2, 2021
Group Estimated
First Dose
Second Dose
Age 80+ 51,307 44,792 (87%) 12,289 (24%)
Age 70-79 79,818 67,999 (85%) 5,363 (7%)
Age 60-69 138,471 107,206 (77%) 5,117 (4%)
Age 50-59 147,466 91,094 (62%) 6,481 (4%)
Age 40-49 151,896 53,753 (35%) 5,578 (4%)
Age 30-39 183,246 23,034 (13%) 5,656 (3%)

This week’s Pfizer shipment of 63,180 doses is expected at designated pharmacies on Tuesday. Prince Albert, Yorkton, North Battleford on Wednesday, May 5; and ISC’s South Service Centre on Thursday, May 6. A portion of this shipment arrived in Regina (11,700) and Saskatoon (11,700) on Friday.

Saskatchewan’s scheduled shipment of 9,300 Janssen vaccine doses has been delayed by Health Canada as they complete their product quality review.

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