Rebellion Brewing feeling support country-wide after anti-vaccine incident made public

Rebellion Brewing Company has seen a great amount of support after an anti-vaxxer was asked to leave their business after not showing proof of vaccine.

The incident happened on Friday, when a man who made a reservation showed a picture of someone displaying the middle finger to the staff member asking to scan a QR code to prove their vaccination status. The customer eventually left, but not before speaking their mind.

President of Rebellion Brewing Company Mark Heise says that guest made sure to tell him he hoped the business would falter before leaving.

“Fortunately, he just kind of left on his own accord after he shared that with us,” Heise said. “It was a bit of a unique situation, but ultimately, I think we handled it as best we could.”

Heise says this has been a one-time-only event.

“I think most people understand why these rules are in place, they understand the rules have been put in place by the government — not by small businesses and frontline workers,” Heise said. “The people are respectful and quite happy that they’re able to come out and feel safe to continue frequenting restaurants and businesses.”

Heise says he hopes this is something that doesn’t happen again, adding it could have been much worse.

“We’re living in pretty fractured, upset times,” Heise said. “Everyone is in a state of stress and anger and sadness of some sort, it’s been a tough 18 months.

“We hope for the good and the best in everybody to come out and, and 99.9 percent of people will do that, but sure. there’s always a little bit of concern right now at this time.”

After sharing the incident on Twitter, people from across Canada have phoned Heise to show their support, with some even purchasing gift cards asking the business to donate them to a worthy cause. Heise is still working on a way to make that donation a reality.

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