Regina ready for another blast of Winter

It looks like March is going to come in like a lion, as Environment Canada predicts another winter blast for the city. Regina could see as much as 10 cm of snow from Thursday through to Friday this week – something city crews are prepared for. Even though most Regina citizens – undoubtedly are not. Not ready for another blast of snow in what has been an already long winter.

“The city and it’s contracted support are ready to respond with approximately 50 pieces of equipment to keep residents and traffic moving safe throughout the city,” said Tyler Bien – the manager of the city’s roadway seasonal operations to media Tuesday afternoon.

“During a snow event the crews focus on keeping major roads drivable by performing ice control and taking care of any plowing needs. That cycle continues throughout the storm until it’s completion. Once the storm is complete we will enter into a systematic plow,” said Bien. This continues on priority streets if we experience more than 5 cm of snow – until the work is done. Until all of that wonderful white fluffy stuff some of us have come to loathe – is gone.

The city has received a higher than average volume of snow this season – close to 70 cm, prior to Thursday’s predicted snowfall. According to Bien – the city still has room for more snow in the city “snow storage facility”.  “We stack it and pile it, there is still room for more snow this winter, hopefully we only get a little bit more, but we have room for it.” City crews have been performing usual snow removal activities since their last plow. Ensuring proper travel widths on roadways and ensuring sight lines are kept. During the last few weeks of slow snowfall – crews have been hard at work.

The city has had a higher than average freeze and thaw cycle, which has lead to even icier roads, with more need for ice control by Regina’s crews.

The work done to maintain the amount of snow we have received since November 1st – has cost approximately $8.1 million,  an amount that Bien says is higher than usual due to the amount of snow received by the city.

So get ready everyone, for another dump of snow from old man winter. Another chance for the cities snow hero’s to get to work. For the men and women who have spent the last few months ensuring we have relatively snow free roadways to weave their magic. With yet another volley of the white stuff about to be thrown at us – this reporter has to find something positive here.

That bright spot, gratitude for the cities efforts.

Remember – if you do encounter snow equipment and sanders on the roadways of Regina – ensure you give them at least six car lengths space, and plan enough time to reach your destination.

Here’s to the city crews – and to March leaving like a lamb – since it sounds like we’re about to get the lion.


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