Regina citizens gather in support of women’s rights in Iran

Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m., over 50 people came together in front of the Legislative building in support of the protests happening in Iran.

There have been dozens of protests in Iran that sparked after the death of 22-year-old Masha Amini. She was taken into Iranian police custody for wearing her head scarf too loosely in public. She died while in their custody and reports were released that she was beaten by the police but the Iranian police have continuously tried to cover up the situation by saying she died of a heart attack.

At the rally in Regina, people held signs with her name and equality quotes including #WomenLifeFreedom.

“I think is an atrocity that’s taking place in the world and people in the free western world need to stand up and support very courageous women who are fighting for real rights,” says Regina local Margret Hodges.

“In the world, women are suffering from traditional misogynistic practices in a way that we can’t even imagine here and we are so fortunate and we don’t understand the struggles that women are really facing.”

The rally organizers also shared informative speeches about the abuse and discrimination women in Iran are facing as well as the long list of crimes by the Islamic regime.

The rally ended with everyone at the rally joining hand-in-hand to form a human chain that stretched all the way to Albert Street.

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