The Heart and Stroke Foundation Spotlighting Gender Inequity in Health Care

Did you know that two thirds of all research into heart and brain health that has been conducted has been focused on men?
Or that every 16 minutes a woman in this country dies of a heart attack or stroke?
These figures are surprising to many. In this country we have a huge inequity in the care that men and women receive – this is something Carolyn Cyr the director of Health Systems and Policy with the Heart and Stroke Foundation for Saskatchewan says is leading to negative outcomes.
“If a woman presents with certain symptoms – their healthcare provider may not recognize right away that it is a heart attack or another condition, which can lead to delays in the diagnosis and delays in treatment and care and ultimately poorer outcomes over all,” says Cyr.
She adds that socioeconomic factors as well as race and ethnicity are also having negative impacts – additionally the societal expectations of women are leading to care that is poorer than that of men.
“Women have been found to prioritize the health of their families over themselves, so getting kids out the door and dressed, and serving breakfast in the morning before seeking their own care. Women typically have more care responsibilities than men.” Cyr notes that these factors are compounded by the fact that women and girls in some geographic areas of the province are receiving even less adequate care where heart and brain health are concerned.
February is Heart and Stroke month in the province – recently the Regina Pat’s hosted an event which saw players serving in Western Pizza Restaurants and delivering pizza’s to raise awareness and collect donations for Saskatchewan’s Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Cyr says that there is progress is being made – but we still have a long way to go. Awareness is key. In many instances what we don’t know – is harming women when it comes to heart and brain health.
Cyr encourages women to become more knowledgeable on the risks and symptoms or heart attack and stroke – and to become their own best advocates for their care. Please visit the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Website here for more information on the risk factors women face every single day with heart health.

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