Saskatchewan and Japan sign agreement to deepen trade ties

Saskatchewan and Japan are strengthening their economic ties.

A Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) has been signed between the province and Japan’s Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation (JOIN), a government agency that supports Japanese businesses abroad, especially in the area of infrastructure.

“We would like to promote more infrastructure business here with Japenese [businesses]. Also, I’d like to seek more business with (Saskatchewan’s) private sector.” said president of JOIN Tatsuhiko Takesada at the Legislature Monday morning.

Saskatchewan Trade and Export Minister Jeremy Harrison says the agreement is the outcome of his most recent trade mission to Japan two months ago. The MOC will encourage Japan to support infrastructure investment in multiple sectors such as helium.

“Helium is an area where Japan has a very significant interest in securing long-term, stable, reliable helium supplies,” said Harrison. “This is really an emerging industry here in Saskatchewan.”

Harrison says this agreement will also benefit farmers.

“Having more markets, having larger markets, that is a positive thing, that has a positive impact on the farmgate, and ultimately that means more people are working here as well.”

It also serves as an opportunity for Saskatchewan to showcase its leadership in sustainable mining practices.
Japan is one of Saskatchewan’s largest export markets, as over $1.2-billion in goods were exported to the country, mostly agri-food products. Saskatchewan established a trade office in Japan in 2021.

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