Sask. Trades and Skills Centre receives provincial funding to continue programs and administration

The Regina and Saskatoon Trades and Skills Centres have received $1.92 million in funding from the Government of Saskatchewan to continue their skills training program delivery and administration.

The Centres deliver short-term, entry-level trades and skills training programs to prepare participants for work and careers and feature high completion and employment rates for their learners. By offering programs developed in partnership with industry and businesses, these training centres are able to meet the needs of learners, employers and local labour markets.

The Regina and Saskatoon Trades and Skills Centres, which saw enrolments of 190 and 175, respectively, will each receive $961,000 in funding.

“Saskatchewan is full of opportunities in the trades, and our government supports job seekers who are looking to develop their skills and pursue their careers in trade professions,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “This funding will enable the effective and successful delivery of skills training programs that grow and develop our provincial labour force.”

Regina Trades and Skills Centre Executive Director Bryan Shankowsky said that they are grateful for the Government’s support.

“This is further proof that we are an important component in creating an environment that supports sustainable economic growth.”

Saskatoon Trades and Skills Centre Executive Director Karen Cederwal shared the same sentiment as her Regina counterpart.

“Demand for our programs continues from every direction: local employers, many we know by name; partnership opportunities with industry; and with those that touch us the most at the centre, participants looking to move ahead in careers that, for many, may have seemed out of their reach,” she said. “Recognition of our efforts and continued support from the Government of Saskatchewan enables us to continue this important work that ultimately increases growth, in and for everyone involved.”

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