After flooding hits Regina, City outlines response

Regina’s streets and underpasses have flooded numerous times as thunderstorms have hit the Queen City.

Kurtis Doney, the acting Executive Director of Citizen Services with the City of Regina, said from an infrastructure perspective, things have worked how they are supposed to.

“City crews are responding to the situation where streets were flooded and may be flooding.”

“The wastewater treatment plant responded well to the surge, and it is working as designed,” he continued. “Detention ponds have worked as designed and are starting the stormwater until the system allows it to proceed. These stormwater ponds reduce the risk of flooding to residents and their homes.”

He said the city had developed short, medium, and long-term plans to deal with the flooding.

“Short-term, what we’ve been doing to educate. Please do not drive into a stormwater situation where it looks like you may be able to pass. Medium-term, we’re working with SGI to have a flooded indicator on the Albert Street underpass, so if it’s flooded, it would take control of the lights and not allow people to go into the flooded underpass as the lights would stay red.”

“Longer-term, we’ve got significant infrastructure upgrades planned for all of our stormwater ponds, including the underpass, and that’s why it’s so important to continue to invest in our underground infrastructure.”

Doney noted that he believes some storm drains have been clogged by dirt, debris, and elm seeds.

While crews are busy, Doney said if safe, residents can help.

“City crews are out clearing storm drains. With over 22,000 storm drains, the city’s working hard to prepare for the next storm. We strongly encourage residents to go out onto the street, if it’s safe to do so, and clear your own storm drain to help yourself and your neighbours.”

The flooding has also led to multiple calls to emergency services with vehicles trapped in the flooding. Both Doney and SGI are urging residents to avoid the flooded areas.

“We strongly advise staying away from flooded areas, detention ponds, and storm channels. As the water starts to make its way through the storm system, the water will start to flow very quickly,” he said. “Drivers are advised to avoid any flooded underpasses or roads that have water depths that are not passable.”

For more information on the latest storm information, Doney encourages residents to visit

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