A Mossbank teenager is taking his passion for the outdoors and turning it into a publication.
15-year-old Carson Green is the owner and creator of “Everything Country Magazine”, and says he started it in 2021, with the setting which he lived in being an inspiration.
“Ranching, Agriculture, Rodeo, Hunting, you name it, it’s in there,” Green said. “Then I went all-in and had amazing support from everybody around me and now here we are today.”
People in his hometown supported him in the beginning, then as time went on things really took off.
“A lot of social media promotion, I’m also really good friends with the host of Canada’s Farm Show (Launch Pad) Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel so she had me on Canada’s Farm Show TV, we did a segment back in 2021 and that really helped promote it,” he explained. “Then later on I was featured on a number of different medias and that really helped me too.”
“I’ve watched him grow up and honestly just one of my favorite young entrepreneurs, I love seeing what’s going to come out of Carson next, and his magazine is truly fantastic,” Jolly-Nagel said proudly of Green. “He does his own editing, his own publishing, his own pictures, his own writing in there and I really am inspired by young people that will take initiatives like that, good on him.”
While Carson does most of the work in compiling the content for his magazine, others from across Canada and Saskatchewan have contributed as well. He says it takes about 4-5 months to put it all together.
“When you kind of grow to be passionate about something like I have with this magazine, the work kind of doesn’t seem as bad as it sounds.”
You can find Everything Country Magazine online, on Facebook and Instagram, and you can also reach out to Carson via email at [email protected] or phone (639) 355-7109.