Premier Moe Announces Sask PolyTech Expansion in Saskatoon

Yesterday the province announced a dumping of nearly 200 million dollars into developing a new Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus in Saskatoon.

The move will transform a 11 decentralized, outdated buildings into a “revitalized complex” offering modern, technology-rich learning for students and greater opportunities for applied research and investment.

The new campus will be located at Innovation Place on the University of Saskatchewan campus.

“This visionary project will attract more students, talent and investment to Saskatoon and the province,” Advanced Education Minister Gordon Wyant said. “It will help prepare more job-ready graduates who can support vital public services like health care and contribute to Saskatchewan’s strong, growing economy and long-term prosperity.”

“A new Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus in Saskatoon is a once-in-a generation opportunity to create a 21st century, modern learning environment that supplies the expert workforce for existing and emerging industries,” Saskatchewan Polytechnic President and CEO Dr. Larry Rosia said. “It will increase program capacity and create a skilled talent pipeline to help grow the economy and increase our competitiveness in attracting investment to Saskatchewan and Canada.”

A news release from the Saskatchewan Party says the new center will be called “The new Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus” and will “support and strengthen the Innovation Corridor that brings together business, entrepreneurs, students and other learning institutions to create a centre of excellence in applied learning and research.”

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