Sask. NDP and Beck feel party is building momentum after convention

Sask. NDP leader Carla Beck speaking at the party’s 2023 convention. (Photo: Tanner Wallace-Scribner/620 CKRM)

The Saskatchewan NDP held their annual convention, with Leader Carla Beck walking out feeling “energized” and “hopeful” about the party’s state.

The convention, from Friday to Sunday, hosted the largest growth of new members in the party’s history.

Beck said coming out of the convention, the party is feeling energized.

“We had a great group of delegates, a lot of new delegates, and a message of unity and hope,” she said. “A message of momentum, and I think you have New Democrats leaving believing this is a government in waiting.”

Beck received 94 per cent approval from the members in attendance. While she is appreciative of the support, she said that there is still a lot of work left to do.

“We’ve continue to connet with people across the province, connect with members, and there’s a lot of unity in our messaging and lot of unity in the concerns that people are hearing from the convenction, but also in their own communites,” she said. “I think we continue to focus on those issues and continue to focus on building solutions.”

As for the issues Beck and her fellow MLAs heard from their members, they were consistent with what they had heard from people all over the province.

“Cost of living, the affordability, the inability of people to pay their bills, the want of good jobs, good opportunities, a strong economy, health care is a huge issue, whether you’re in Saskatoon or Broadview, people need services available. There are a lot of concerns about the state of our education system right now. Those are top-of-mind concerns for New Democrats and for people right across the province.”

Beck said she feels the political climate in the province is changing.

“Something is changing out there. I’m hearing from people that I haven’t heard from before. I’m hearing from people who have been voting for the Sask. Party or who hadn’t been voting, who now feel that something different, something better is possible.”

Beck added that she had a lot of pride, hope, and excitement about where the party sits.

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