Regina city council passes 2024 Regina Police budget

Deputy Chief Dean Rae listens to a questions from one of Regina’s councilors. (Photo: Tanner Wallace-Scribner/620 CKRM)

The Regina Police Service (RPS) had its net operating budget for 2024 approved by Regina’s city council.

For 2024, RPS will see a net operating budget of $102.7 million, including over $115 million in gross operating expenditures and $12.5 million in anticipated revenues. The 2024 budget marks a $4.6 million or 4.7 per cent increase compared to 2023.

 2023 Budget2024 Budget 
Provincial Programs$8,852,100$9,447,600+$595,500
Federal Programs$155,700$158,800+$3,100
Other Programs$2,957,600$2,972,600+$15,000
Gross Operating   
Salary/Budget Costs$95,374,700$100,640,200+$5,265,000
Operational Expenses$14,713,900$14,684,000-$29,900
Net Operating Budget$98,123,200$102,745,200+$4,622,000

As part of the budget, the Regina Police Service saw an increase of one civilian position and six officers, which is down from the 12 the RPS was originally asking the City for.

Deputy Chief Dean Rae said the police service will work with what was approved.

“At the end of the day, we’re satisfied with what we have,” he said. “We have six new bodies on the front line, one Cillivan member. Our capital ask was a bit less than what we had anticipated, but we’re still going to be able to meet the expectations the community has placed on us.”

Rae said that the public wants to see more police officers interacting with youth and further crime reduction.

“We’re going to continue doing all the work that we can to try to meet those expectations that the community has placed on us. We may not get there as quickly as we wanted, but we’re going to get there.

While six officers won’t make a substantial difference on the day-to-day for officers,
Rae notes that it signals to the organization and membership that they are getting support from the Police Board and city council.

“They’re hearing what we’re saying, that we need additional resources and that goes a long way in helping morale and helping mental health struggles that we sometimes have. It shows the membership that we’re all pulling together for the same thing.”

The Regina Police Budget was the first item on the docket for the Regina city council in their budget deliberations.

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