A mouse that likes to clean house

Most of the time we don’t like mice in our homes and garages, but if all mice were like this particular mouse in the London, England, I don’t think we’d mind them at all!

It started when retiree Rodney Holbrook noticed the bird feed he was putting out was ending up in some old shoes in his garage, so he set up a camera to figure out what was happening. What did he capture on film? He spotted a mouse cleaning everything up!

It was moving objects back into his tool box. It was carrying clothes pins, pieces of cable, plastic shot cups, and even nuts and bolts into a box. The little fella was working hard all night ensuring the workbench was nice and clean for Holbrook the next day. I’d want this mouse in my house so it could do the vacuuming and the laundry!

Below is a video of this mouse at work.

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