Garage Sale!

Are you tempted to set-up a couple of tables this weekend with some items you cannot wait to move out of the garage, the basement, the closet? I feel this, but I am not yet ready. And how long does that take, what motivates you to get busy?

Apparently, pricing items as you gather them is a good idea! Bundling the small items such as jewelry and that old, “if you haven’t used it then lose it” mentality probably works well. Be ruthless!!

What do you have an abundance of? Do you make it a specialty sale. I have lots of t-shirts and slowly I have been sorting through them. If you read the blog about Dress for Success and what they accept, some of your work clothes could end there. I have nice blouses, dress pants and dresses. Ideally, I would like to reap some cash from these investments. OH, and shoes! Anyone need nice shoes.

Hot items at garage and yard sales – I don’t think clothing is that exciting, unless its those “vintage” t-shirts that fill storage tubs! So what does turn people. Art work, knickknacks? Sport equipment, electronics, board games & puzzles, power tools and outdoor furniture these are appealing.

When do people start to think about opening their cottage/cabins for the season? Everyone has a eye out for those special items that they know will enhance spaces like the cabin or the RV. Also, if you have a keen eye, antiques may be your goal. We have all heard about the people that find rare items such as paintings, historical scrolls and trading cards! Why can’t it be us? Here is my worry; that through generations items that have been handed down, may be valuable and I don’t know it. Someone buys the item, you learn about the value of the item after the fact and then you’ll be kicking yourself because you didn’t do the background check on the item!

As I look back on all my ideas, I now see why I can’t seem to pull the trigger on a yard/garage sale. I like the stuff I have. And as I go through things, I realize that there is much to move out the door, but there is lots to hold on to. More often these days people say they do not want to burden people with their “junk” when they are gone.

One’s junk is another treasure. And now I must go and do some sorting! #GarageSale2024!!

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