Close your eyes for the next couple days and think of Thursday

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Partly cloudy skies, quite cold   Wind: Bec. S-SE 10-20 km/hLow: -27°   Wind Chill: near -38°20%
Breezy with a mixture of sunshine and cloud cover  Not as cold   Wind: SE 20-45 km/hHigh:  -11°   Wind chill: -22°20%
Wednesday Night
Partly cloudy and breezy with temperatures rising through the night   Wind: SE 25-45 km/hLow: -12° rising  10%
Partly sunny skies along with milder temperatures   Wind: SE 15-30 km/hHigh: 7°  0%
Partly sunny skies – Breezy and colderHigh: -3°20%
Mostly cloudy  with a chance of snow by eveningHigh: -7°30% late

Normal High:  -5°               Normal Low: -16°

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