Potential for mixed precipitation Tuesday

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Mostly clear skies   Wind: Becoming N-NW  10-20 km/hLow: -7°0%
Increasing cloudiness, low chance of a late day rain shower, possibly mixed with snow or sleet   Wind: E-SE 15-25 km/hHigh: 2°30%
Tuesday Night
Developing light snow or mixed precipitation   Wind: E-SE 15-25 km/hLow: -2°80%
Risk for some light snow or mixed precipitation, mainly in the morning – Skies remain mainly cloudy otherwise   Wind: E-NE 15-25 km/hHigh: 1°60%
Lingering cloudiness, but a few breaks possible from time to timeHigh: 2°10%
Mostly sunny skies with moderating temperaturesHigh: 6°0%

Normal High:  -1                Normal Low: -13°

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