The feud between the provincial government, and teachers is continuing with no end in sight.
Teachers are kicking off the week with a ban on all extra curricular activities province wide, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
That means teachers will not take part in the organization, supervision and facilitation of activities including athletics, non-curricular arts, field trips, student travel, graduation preparations, school clubs and other activities.
Monday will also see teachers withdraw lunch time supervision in the following divisions.
All schools in Creighton School Division
All schools in Holy Trinity Catholic School Division
All schools in Horizon School Division
All schools in Lloydminster Public and Lloydminster Catholic school divisions
All schools in Northwest School Division
All schools in Prairie South School Division
All schools in Prairie Valley School Division
All schools in Saskatchewan Rivers and Prince Albert Catholic school divisions
On Thursday, March 14th the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation will withdraw noon hour/lunch supervision in the following divisions:
All schools in Conseil des écoles fransaskoise
All schools in Chinook School Division
All schools in Holy Family Catholic School Division
All schools in North East School Division
All schools in Prairie Spirit School Division
All schools in Regina Catholic Schools
All schools in Regina Public Schools
All schools in Saskatoon Public Schools and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
Last week, the provincial government struck a deal with the provincial school boards for more funding to be distributed to deal with some of the concerns from teachers including class size and class complexity. The teachers want to bargain that directly with the provincial government to make sure the funding is continuous for the coming years, and not subject to the political whims of government.