Tackling Home Work!

Thought provoking, is it not! How do you even start a project that you think you can do, but now you aren’t so sure. But, I think I can!! I know I can! It is just a matter of doing the work. And digging out a wrench or hammer or something to knock the old hardware off the toilet seat!

Nothing worse than sitting down and sliding all over the place! With such delicate affairs, you need to hit the mark! I don’t think I need to get the maintenance crew to come in. I mean my fridge might need help from a professional, but I think I can do this minor piece of work.

Does anyone have any important “intell” they can pass along. What home renovation or repair did you start and then decide, I don’t think I can do this? Was it replacing windows, roofing, building a deck, fencing projects, installing a new toilet, painting, flooring, cupboards, kitchen taps, unclogging the garburator. Some people are just handy and others just grab the duct tape and hope for the best. Perhaps buying repair kits from your local dollar store is not the way to go with such matters!

To those watching me trying to pick out what I needed to do toilet seat repairs, I was somewhat clueless! I was standing in the aisle at a Canadian Tire, just staring at all the packages of hardware. First I thought about buying the whole kit & caboodle – the seat and hardware, but why – its an easy fix. I should have asked one of the older gentlemen that had gravitated to the area I was in. The spoke freely amongst themselves in their mother tongue. I believe they were all plumbers at one time, because the conversation was very animated as they touched and examined plumbing needs. Maybe they were talking about me!! Looks like I should have arranged one of them to come over and help me. To this day, the hardware sits across from the toilet in my bathroom – I haven’t done a darn thing with it!

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